Misty Mountain Quilters Guild
North Georgia - North Carolina
MMQG General Meetings & Monthly Calendar
Next General Meeting: Tuesday, September 24
First United Methodist Church - BlairsvilleĀ (on Route 515, opposite Meeks Park) - IN THE GYM THIS MONTH!
Social Time 12:00 noon, Meeting Begins at 12:30 pm
September General Meeting
11:00 am: New Member Orientation: if you are a new member, or just want to hear more about the Guild's outreach groups and other activities, please come! Bring your lunch and Kathy Traylor, and representatives of the various groups, will share information. Please RSVP to MistyMountainQuilters@gmail.com so we'll have enough copies of the handouts.
12:00 pm: social time, 12:30 pm: business meeting
The Longarm Quilters group will be presenting some of the whole cloth quilts that they have done as a group challenge.
New Photo Directory!
Karen Izor has agreed to put together a new photo directory for the Guild. The last one was done in 2018. She will be taking photos at the October and November General Meetings, so be ready for your close-up! (If you'd rather just re-use your 2018 photo, or have any questions, let us know at MistyMountainQuilters@gmail.com .) Directories will be available to purchase sometime after the first of the year. Price TBA.
Under normal circumstances, the Misty Mountain Quilters Guild meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the First United Methodist Church of Union County in Blairsville, GA. Usual arrival time is now 12:00 noon and the meeting begins at 12:30 p.m. It is the mission of our guild to educate, share, promote and keep alive the art and traditions of quiltmaking.
Contact us at MMQGinfo@gmail.com
Be sure to check the Trading Post page for sewing machines and other quilting supplies for sale!